Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Funny commercial

Hi, well, today we have to choose the best commercial we have seen and, I don't know if this is the best one, but I remember that I laughed a lot when I saw it.
It is about how men like to drink beer, especially Heineken, because it is a Heineken advertising.
I saw this like few years ago, and the funny thing is that the message that you can get is that Heineken makes men as crazy as clothes make girls.
I personally think that clothes do not make girls that crazy, or not everyone but that is how men most see us. And of course, you never get to see those expressions and screaming with men so it is very funny.
This kind of commercials are very sexists which I don't like, but I don't care, it's too funny to watch, and I am not a big fan of clothes, so I think I would be happier with the beers closet.
I hope you like it too. See you!!
Sorry about "verry funny" it was in the video.


  1. 2 or 3 blogs more have this commercial too XD
    it's pretty famous!!!

  2. I don't like sexist stuff either but I think this is funny. I don't think all women like clothes so much, but many do. I think women like beer too.

  3. i don't care about sexist stuff, if it make me laugh then it's good, and this spot it's more than just good :D
